Mode of Statistics
出 口 Exports
(一)應列統計之出口貨物 Exports included in trade statistics
01 |
附輸出許可證--非屬戰略性高科技貨品。 |
Exports covered by export permit-non- strategic high-tech commodities |
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02 |
免附輸出許可證--非屬戰略性高科技貨品。 |
Exports without export permit-non- strategic high-tech commodities |
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03 |
軍事機關專案出口 |
Goods exported by military under special authorization of Board of Foreign Trade |
04 |
無償之禮物、貨樣及廣告品 |
Gifts, samples of commercial goods and advertising matters |
05 |
出口委外加工不復運進口 |
Exports to be processed abroad without re-importation |
內容變更 |
06 |
國外提供原料委託加工出口(限只收取加工費之外銷案件) |
Imported raw materials to be processed for exportation-solely for exported cases with processing costs paid |
新增 |
07 |
海外售魚-專供關稅總局統計室用 |
Fish sold abroad-used solely for statistical purpose |
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08 |
港口、機場售油(燃料) |
Oil (fuel) sold at ports (habour & airport) |
內容變更 |
附輸出許可證--戰略性高科技貨品。 |
Exports covered by export permit-strategic high-tech commodities |
新增 |
(二)免列統計之出口貨物 Exports excluded in trade statistics
91 |
修理後復出口之國貨 |
Goods re-exported after repairing |
93 |
未完成通關進口之復進口國貨再出口 |
Re-imports of domestic goods held in Customs to be re-exported |
內容變更 |
94 |
補運、賠償及掉換出口 |
Export for replenishment compensation and replacement |
95 |
運往國外加工貨物(需再復運進口) |
Exports to be processed abroad for re-importation |
96 |
需辦理退押、退稅或解除保證責任案件之國貨復出口 |
Domestic goods to be re-exported after return of deposit or duty and discharge of guarantee |
新增 |
97 |
課稅區、保稅區間交易及課稅區、保稅區與自由港區間交易-非屬戰略性高科技貨品。 |
Goods traded between tax zones and bonded areas or Goods traded among tax zones,bonded areas and free ports-non- strategic high-tech commodities |
內容變更 |
駐華外交機構或我駐外單位出口公用或自用物品 |
Articles for the official or personal use exported by foreign embassies, legations and consulates stationed in the Republic of China or our similar organizations in Foreign countries |
代碼變更 |
9B |
旅客行李 |
Personal effects, carried by passengers |
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紙幣、有價證券等 |
Paper currency, securities, etc. |
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9D |
本國漁船用品 |
Materials for the use of fishing boats of the Republic of China |
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9E |
貨物在出口後一年內,或於財政部核定之日期前原貨復運進口者,如展覽品,遊藝團體服裝及道具,租賃品,盛裝貨物之容器,出口測試之貨物等 |
Articles exported abroad, which are to be re-imported within one year from the date of their exportation or within a time limit authorized by Ministry of Finance, such as articles for exhibition costumes and paraphernalia of entertainment troupes, leased goods, container used for imports or exports, goods exported for testing, etc. |
代碼變更 |
經營國際貿易之船舶、航空器或其他運輸工具專用之物料 |
Materials solely for the use of ships, air-craft and other means of conveyance en-gaged in international trade |
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救濟物資或捐贈品 |
Relief articles or donations |
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9H |
其他不屬於貿易範圍之貨物 ,例如 骨灰、遺體等。 |
Articles which are not objects of trade, such as cremains,human remains etc. |
代碼變更 |
9K |
使用貨品暫准通關證貨品 |
Goods under cover of A. T. A Carnet |
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9U |
課稅區、保稅區、自由港區間之機器設備交易或課稅區、科園區、加工區、保稅工廠受託加工 |
Transaction of machinery and equipment among tax zones, bonded areas and free ports or contracted processing in tax zones, science-based industrial parks, export processing zones and bonded factories |
新增 |
9T |
課稅區、保稅區相互交易因故退貨或課稅區、保稅區間受託加工後退回或課稅區、保稅區與自由港區間相互交易因故退貨-非屬戰略性高科技貨品。 |
Goods returned after transaction between tax zones and bonded areas or after contracted processing between tax zones and bonded areas or Goods returned after transaction among tax zones , bonded areas and free ports-non-strategic high-tech commodities |
內容變更 |
9W |
加工出口區、科學工業園區、保稅工廠輸入未經公告准許輸入之大陸地區物品後,再轉售或運往其他保稅區(使用報單別B2) |
The Export Processing Zones, the Science-Based Industrial Parks or the Bonded Factories import goods or articles not eligible to be imported from Mainland |
新增 |
9X |
加工出口區、科學工業園區、保稅工廠輸入未經公告准許輸入之大陸地區物品,其相互間之交易發生退貨案件(使用報單別B2) |
The Export Processing Zones, the Science-Based Industrial Parks or the Bonded Factories import goods or articles not eligible to be imported from Mainland |
新增 |
9Y |
自由港區事業免稅貨物運往課稅區修理、檢驗、測試後運回 |
Duty-free goods of the free port enterprise shipped back after being transported to a tax zone for repair, test or inspection |
新增 |
9Z |
自由港區事業免稅貨物運往課稅區委託加工後運回 |
Duty-free goods of the free port enterprise shipped back after being transported to a tax zone for contracted processing |
新增 |